eLanka | Capital TRUST Properties (Sri Lanka)




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Capital TRUST Properties (Pvt) Ltd

Capital TRUST Properties (Pvt) Ltd, (CTP) a subsidiary of Capital TRUST Holdings Limited is a leading Real Estate company in Sri Lanka. Primary activities of CTP is Property Investments, Property Brokering, Property Management Services and Property Development. Capital TRUST Properties has executed many strategic deals in Sri Lanka with the support of the Government Authorities and the support of 65 Stock Brokers and 15 Mlmketing Executives of Capital TRUST Securities.


Vision & Mission

Our Vision

To become a diversified regional real estate holding company, specialized I l est e and related activities in locations where the company identifies a competitive advantage in order to achieve consistently increasing returns and growth to shareholders and create an enjoyable work environment for its employees.


Our Mission

A commitment to creating real estate transactions through the efforts of the most dedicated professionals supported by innovative programs, tools, and management. We strive to provide ongoing home services for our clients before and after the sale and work together to create a great environment where we can learn, grow, and succeed together. We always strive to provide innovative ways of delivering our services and always giving the best value to our clients. In all activities, we strive to maintain ethical conduct.


Contact Details
42,Sir Mohammed Macan Marker
Mawatha, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka

Call or email Capital TRUST Properties
Tel: +94 777233533 (Hotline) / +94 112 174 174 Email: inquiries@capitaltrust.lk




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